The effectiveness of all his subsequent work depends on how successfully the employee undergoes adaptation. Therefore, the process of "grinding in" the company and the employee must be manageable - we tell you how electronic courses can help with this.
About 30% of employees leave in the first three months
During the adaptation period, both the employee and the company itself adapt to each other. A new employee is gradually included in the work process, establishes communication with colleagues, gets acquainted with corporate standards and dress code.
In some companies, adaptation proceeds spontaneously - the leader is limited to an introductory briefing, hoping that the team itself will bring the newcomer up to date. This leads the employee to burnout, or even forces him to start looking for a new job. According to Jobvite, 29% of employees leave within the first three months due to stress caused by poor onboarding programs. Reasons for anxiety are often insignificant, in the opinion of the employer, factors, such as a lack of understanding of the unspoken office rules.